High Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) Reviews http://webed.ped.state.nm.us/sites/HQIMReviews/SiteAssets/balloon.JPG

Instructional Materials Reviewed by New Mexico Educators for New Mexico Educators

FAQs for the HQIM Reviews website:

Q:  What subjects/content areas are up for instructional material adoption?

A:  The subjects/content areas up for instructional material adoption are determined by the adoption cycle.

Q:  Why am I not finding particular subjects/content areas on the HQIM Reviews website?

A:  The subjects/content areas provided follow the instructional material adoption cycle so reviews will be added as those subjects are up for adoption. 

Q:  How do the reviews help us with our local adoption process?

A:  The reviews on this website provide additional information that is not available when using the adopted multiple list.  The reviews include:

  • Review designation (recommended, recommended with reservations, not recommended and not adopted)
  • Recognition for cultural and linguistic relevance (CLR)
  • Link to Review Team Appraisal of Title
  • Link to a publisher video demonstrating the structure of the instructional materials
  • Link to evidence demonstrating the research-based effectiveness
  • Recognition for components of Structured Literacy (ELA)

Q:  What is the Review Team Appraisal of Title?

A:  The Review Team Appraisal of Title is written by the review team after completing their independent reviews of the title using the scoring rubrics. The Appraisal incorporates their evidence for each section of the scoring rubric (NM adopted standards and criteria for high-quality).

Q:  How do we specifically use the Review Team Appraisal of Title?

A:  The Review Team Appraisal of Title provides educators with a detailed narrative as to the degree the instructional materials reviewed address the NM adopted standards, CLR criteria, content area specific criteria, and criteria all high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) should meet.

Q:  How are these reviews associated with or different than the instructional materials on the adopted multiple list

A:  The reviews for the core instructional materials on the HQIM Reviews website include all of the materials reviewed for that subject/content area whether adopted or not adopted.  The instructional materials that were reviewed and scored at 80% or higher are designated as core instructional materials on the adopted multiple list.

Q:  Where can we find information about supporting implementation for HQIM?  

A:  The HQIM Implementation Hub is a resource to support you with implementing HQIM at all phases of your implementation journey.