High Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) Reviews
Instructional Materials Reviewed
by New Mexico Educators
for New Mexico Educators
HQIM Definition
High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) are content-rich, fully accessible, culturally and linguistically relevant, free from bias, research-based, and aligned to New Mexico state standards. They are written with clear purpose, effective lesson structure, and pacing to provide flexibility for teachers to best suit the learning styles of all students, encouraging inquiry and curiosity. HQIM may also provide a variety of relevant assessments to equip teachers with professional tools to evaluate student comprehension of the content and provide deeper understanding of the standards. HQIM also provide
support to identify the linguistic and cultural lenses that students use to
make meaning in the content area.
Our Vision
Instructional Material Bureau (IMB) works to ensure High Quality
Instructional Material is in the hands of every educator and learner in
New Mexico and used to its fullest extent.
Our Mission
mission of the Instructional Material Bureau, in support of educators
and learners, is to vet instructional materials through a rigorous
review process, conducted by New Mexico educators, to determine
alignment with New Mexico Content Standards and Benchmarks and to inform
local agencies of the efficacy of the process and provide them access
to high quality instructional material.
New Mexico Review Process:
The Instructional Material Law (22-15-1 through 22-15-14 NMSA 1978) established the Instructional Material Bureau (IMB) and governs reviews, adoptions, funding, and state oversight. The IMB holds a Summer Review Institute each June to review publisher-submitted materials for the current content under adoption. Level II and Level III licensed educators with endorsements and expertise in these content areas from across New Mexico are recruited and selected to review the materials against the state-adopted standards and other high quality criteria. Content experts assist in the creation of scoring rubrics that the reviewers use to evaluate the materials. After reviewing the materials, review teams write appraisals that are then shared with the public to assist schools and districts in their own instructional materials review and adoption processes.
Read more about the process here> NM Review Process
New Mexico Adopted Multiple List:
The Adopted Multiple List of Instructional Materials (Multiple List) is created and shared with the public once the Summer Review Institute is completed and the results and material scores are approved by the Secretary of Education. It includes all the materials under adoption by the state and includes all the information schools and districts need to inform their purchasing decisions. It also includes the ratings given each set of core materials by the review teams that reviewed the materials during the Summer Review Institute. The adoption cycle is a six year cycle, so new instructional materials added to the list subsequent to the Summer Review Institute remain on the list for six years. As new instructional materials enter the educational marketplace, the department does not need to wait six years to review them; it can review and adopt them as they become available.
Access the adopted Multiple List for all subjects
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