Important Definitions
Across New Mexico, it is critical that all students have access to High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM). With input from multiple stakeholders such as teachers, teacher leaders, administrators, curriculum specialists, New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) staff, and national experts, in 2018 the state developed this definition:
High Quality Core Instructional Materials are content-rich, fully accessible, culturally and linguistically relevant, free from bias, research-based, and aligned to New Mexico state standards. They are written with clear purpose, effective lesson structure, and pacing to provide flexibility for teachers to best support learning for all students, encouraging inquiry and curiosity. HQIM provide a variety of relevant assessments to support and guide teachers with professional tools to evaluate student comprehension of the content and provide deeper understanding of the standards. HQIM also provide support to identify the linguistic and cultural lenses that students use to make meaning in the content area.
The following are important definitions in New Mexico Administrative Code:
Other helpful definitions: