High Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) Reviews http://webed.ped.state.nm.us/sites/HQIMReviews/SiteAssets/balloon.JPG

Instructional Materials Reviewed by New Mexico Educators for New Mexico Educators


PED collaborates with New Mexico classroom teachers and educators who are content experts in the subject areas under review to create the instructional material review rubrics.  All of the rubrics used to review the instructional materials are available on the Instructional Material Bureau webpage under Adoption Information.  The review rubrics are organized by content areas and grade levels that were reviewed each year as you scroll down the webpage.  Your district/school teams responsible for identifying and selecting instructional materials may use part or all of the provided rubrics.  Generally, the rubrics have multiple sections that include:

  • a section for reviewing the materials for alignment with the NM content standards;
  • a section with criteria for reviewing the materials given the specific content area;
  • and a section that includes criteria for evaluating instructional materials across all content areas and grade levels for their coherence, teacher supports, assessments, use of technology, cultural and linguistic relevance, and other criteria for determining high-quality. 


PED is providing LEAs the Structured Literacy Instructional Material Review Rubric that can be used to evaluate the supplemental instructional materials for components of structured literacy. In addition, the CLR Scorecard for ELA Curricular Materials is available for use as part of your local instructional material review process.  While the CLR Scorecard was developed with a focus on ELA, all of its indicators have relevance in other content areas as well.  First-time users are encouraged to read the corresponding Implementation Guide


Additional Materials Review Tools and Processes:

  • Curriculum Support Guide, from Instruction Partners, is a multiple use tool that provides guidance in reviewing materials, planning for their use and professional learning, and assessing the implementation phase. The framework for the guide comes from the experience and learning of districts around the country who have conducted materials reviews and implementation planning. The review materials contain several references to equity in high-quality instructional materials.
  • EdReports is an organization that conducts materials reviews in the areas of English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science. They are multi-faceted reviews, taking weeks/months at a time, conducted by teachers and other educators who have successfully completed specific EdReports review training. Materials are rated as Does Not Meet, Partially Meets, and Meets the review criteria. Their criteria and descriptive statements are available on the website, along with the written reviews of publishers' materials they have conducted in recent years.
  • English Learner Success Forum Guidelines for Reviewing English Language Arts and Guidelines for Reviewing Mathematics materials provide criteria and specifications for reviewing these content area curriculum materials with a culturally and linguistically relevant lens. These were designed for work with publishers themselves to improve their work, and have been used by districts interested in using the CLR lens to look at existing curriculum materials.
  • EquIP, from Achieve, is a set of tools and resources that can be used by states and districts to review materials in English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science for alignment to national standards. The website includes the tools themselves, as well as a library of sample high quality lessons and units.
  • Instructional Materials Evaluation Tool (IMET) is a free tool designed by Student Achievement Partners that states and districts can use to evaluate the alignment of instructional materials to the Common Core State Standards. All of its criteria and indicators are related to standards alignment. The website includes a summary of the use of the tool in Louisiana.
  • CPRL's Strategy Toolkit: An Evolutionary Learning Approach to HQIM-PL is a step by step guide for districts seeking to implement an inclusive, learning-based approach to selecting and implementing high quality instructional materials locally. This  tool  walks through a hypothetical district selection and implementation  process  using Evolutionary Learning  to try new ideas and innovate along the way.